More or Less

At around this time last year, I was 2 months away from Tokyo Marathon so I ran almost every day, even during the end of year holiday. I ran short and long distance, come rain or shine. I did daily cardio, strength training, core training, stretching, and whatnot. So obviously I lost a lot of weight, built muscle, and was toned as well as very tanned. This time around, I am enjoying my holiday immensely. I have been scaling down my running significantly since few weeks ago and am now focusing more on daily yoga practice and meditation. I decided I want to reconnect with my thoughts and emotions as intensely as I did with my physicality last year. I’m taking things really slow this time. So yes obviously I’ve gained some weight, my puffy cheeks are back with a vengeance, and yet I don’t care. I’ve made my peace with it because it is a direct consequence of my own decisions. From a weekly mileage of 40-60 km to less than 10 km, something’s gotta give. And honestly, I am okay wit...